If I had to pick one devotion that captures the theme of the ministry I am called to, it would be this one.  Eldridge perfectly captures the longing of my heart…

(From John Eldridge – Resilient)

I shudder at how easily my heart can be divided. I do love God, I really do. I know you do too. The double-mindedness is revealed when we only sort of want God. Our longing for life to be good again becomes the test we hold up against God — if he seems to be helping, wonderful. We believe. If he doesn’t, well … we’re going to chase whatever we think will fill our longing and get back to God sometime down the road. Powerful, ancient forces are pulling us in that direction. We are in such a vulnerable moment.

We must, we must, we must choose single-heartedness, where we desire Jesus above everything else — above all our other “lovers,” our false Edens, our passing comforts.

If you want to become a wholehearted person, you must reach the point where happily, lovingly, you give absolutely everything over to God. You make Jesus your everything, your all-in-all. Not only is this the fulfillment of your heart’s created destiny, it is the source of all recovery and resilience. Nothing can be taken from you because you’ve already surrendered everything.

Those flowers on the porch that I’ve been nursing? I noticed this morning that dry rot is creeping over my favorite hanging basket. And in another pot some pest is munching holes through every bloom. You can’t hold on to things, friends; there’s no looking back. It doesn’t do any good, but it can do an enormous amount of harm. Remember Lot’s wife.

You can’t go back, especially at a time when God is moving things forward. He wants us to come along with him.

I give everything for your everything.

This is now my prayer.

I give everything for your everything.