Freedom Through Enjoying God

This devotion from First15 is such a good reminder that we were meant to find our ultimate joy and satisfaction in God.  Until we do, we won’t truly be satisfied… “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold,...

Tuning The Instrument

This is a sobering reality in our culture today.  The things of God have become more foreign to us as we chase after things of the world, trying to fill the space in our soul that only God can fill… Tuning the Instrument (John Eldridge – The Journey of Desire)...

Communion With God (Practicing His Presence)

This devotional post from First15 challenges me not to be satisfied with anything less than communion with God and an experience of His presence.  I have found what Brother Lawrence said to be true, “and while I am so with Him I fear nothing.”  I want more communion...

The Story Of Our Heart (the most powerful part of us)

It’s taken me a long time to understand that I must make my heart, the inner life with its deep desires, a priority.  Whether I realize it or not, those deep desires are dictating my actions… (From The Sacred Romance – John Eldridge) Communion with God is...

Hope (where are we taking our deep desires?)

Where are we taking our Hope? Where are we taking our deep desires?  How we answer this will have a profound impact on our emotional and spiritual health. God is the only one who can truly satisfy our deep desires… Hope (where are we taking our deep desires?) (From...