Your (New) Heart Is Good

Learning this truth changed my life!  It helped me move from a place of resignation to a place of hope and passion to live differently… Your (New) Heart Is Good (From John Eldridge- Restoration Year) Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and...


One of the most difficult times in my life was when the “house of cards” I had built came tumbling down.  It felt like life was ending.  In reality, a new life was just beginning… GOD THWARTS YOUR IMPOSTOR (False Self) (From Restoration Year – John Eldridge) My...

I Give Everything For Your Everything

If I had to pick one devotion that captures the theme of the ministry I am called to, it would be this one.  Eldridge perfectly captures the longing of my heart… (From John Eldridge – Resilient) I shudder at how easily my heart can be divided. I do love God, I...